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Monday, October 3, 2011

Half Miracle

It's not a miracle but a half miracle. Coming out of last week's cold, my sinuses are feeling better. I have a bit of an asthmatic/bronchitis cough, which a cup of green tea usually alleviates. Much better than having to use my inhaler. My sinuses are less inflamed. I think the colonics really helped clear out some of the yeast overgrowth from my colon, which has caused the extreme sinusitis. A lot of foods can also damage the colon like sugar, flour products and dairy. I have been a sugar fiend up until about three months ago. I got years of JuJu babies, Rolos and Jacque Torres chocolate covered peeps taking up way too much space in my lower extremities. It was like an Eater basket up in there. (How funny that the image above is a of a chocolate named Collon?) A combo of colon cleansing and dietary changes should help alleviate future sinusitis.

Changing gears, I usually buy bags of organic spinach from Trader Joe's for juicing. They were out of my base ingredient so I bought a bag of organic arugula. It's green and alkalizing, I figured all good. I mixed with it cucumber, lemon and apple plus a tiny bit of garlic. The juice tasted tangy and good yesterday. But this morning it was hard core bitter arugula. Spinach definitely has a smoother taste. (I have a masticating juicer which doesn't expose the plant cells to as much oxygen, so you can save juice in the fridge for a day or two.)

Since I was still feeling a bit under the weather, I didn't hit the gym this past weekend. Instead, me and my family went on an adventure to Tarrytown, New York. I was really craving getting out of the city. We had thought about apple picking, but didn't feel like lugging back bags of apples on multiple trains. Although fresh apple juice would be delish. The Metro North train ride to Tarrytown follows along the Hudson River. So pretty and relaxing.

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